The Kandivli police have stuck 3 accused allegedly concerned in a burglary case at a dental medical institution in Kandivli. Just an afternoon after the inauguration of the sanatorium, the accused broke in and fled, taking all the furniture, machines, and dental instruments. According to the police sources, the dentist, medical doctor Yogesh Mundie opened a clinic at save variety 501 and 502 (godown and medical institution) located at Acme buying center.
A few weeks in the past, on June sixteen, when he visited his clinic, upon beginning the shutters, he turned into taken aback to look his medical institution changed into empty as he becomes robbed of all his furniture and dental devices from the medical institution and godown. He then approached the Kandivli police station and registered a grievance. The police then registered a burglary case and started investigations, checking the CCTV digicam, which found the burglar.
After observing the CCTV footage, Dr. Mundde diagnosed one of the accused as Jahangir Shaikh, who turned into operating with him for the past few years. According to the police sources, the hospital changed into opened up by using one of the complainant’s medical doctors a day or two after the inauguration. It turned into later found out that the accused was none aside from the physician’s worker.
Under the supervision of DCP Sangramshingh Nishandar, senior inspector Nitin Pondkule, and his detection group, including API Mukund Yadav, PSI Deepak Hinde, PSI Abhinay Pawar, traced and caught Jahangir from his Mira avenue residence and recovered the stolen belongings. “During the research, it turned into revealed that Jahangir’s spouse becomes in the dental system presenting enterprise. The accused had given her stolen goods to promote. We are now looking to perceive if she turned into aware of the theft or now not,” stated a police reliable from Kandivli police station.
“We have recovered all the devices, which include the machines and furniture from the accused’s residence. We also managed to nab two different accused concerned about the crime – recognized as Hamid Khan (22) and Najibullah Khan (25). They were produced before the court docket, and all the accused were remanded police custody until June 25,” stated DCP Sangramsingh Nishandar.