Kerala, Mizoram Most Healthy States; UP and Odisha Least, Says Study
A fitness index-organized through the NITI Aayog with the fitness ministry and World Bank has rated Indian states on diverse fitness parameters. Kerala and Andhra Pradesh did exceptionally among larger states, even as Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, and Bihar fared worst. Among smaller states, Mizoram topped the list. Tripura and Manipur were the ‘maximum progressed’ states. And amongst Union Territories, Chandigarh did first-rate.
The file indicated a fashionable advantageous correlation between states’ and UTs’ health index rankings and their economic improvement stages as measured with the aid of consistent with-capita net country domestic product (NSDP).
Guptas Asked to Pay eight Lakh Rupees to Clear Wedding Mess.
The Uttarakhand government requested the South Africa-primarily based Gupta family to cough up Rs.8 lakh toward cleaning up the mess generated utilizing their mega-wedding in Auli’s final week. The high-profile 5-day wedding, attended by senior politicians and celebrities, has reportedly generated 27,500 pounds of rubbish. Authorities from the neighborhood municipal enterprise say it will take any other 3 days to solve the mess, which accommodates particularly flora, plastic waste, and ornamental items.
The Gupta brothers have reportedly offered to donate a dumper costing Rs. 12 lakh towards the cleanup.
Water in Most Marathwada Dams at Record Lows
As in step with authentic data, 10 important irrigation tasks in Maharashtra’s Marathwada vicinity are in ‘dead garage,’ with lots of them showing report water degree lows. Dead storage approach that the water in the dam cannot be accessed robotically and desires to be pumped out because the stage has fallen underneath the bottom point for automatic discharge by way of gravity.
A reliable quoted in The Times of India said that the rains’ late arrival had extended the region’s dependence on dams for consuming water desires. The collective garage in 872 dams and barrages throughout the place is only zero.4% Eleven principal irrigation tasks are left with simplest 0.2% stay storage, while the stay stock in seventy-five medium initiatives has fallen to zero.6%. The vicinity’s 749 minor irrigation initiatives presently have 1.2% live storage.